[click-checkboxes] Click at least 5 out of up to 12 checkboxes.
Example utterances#
Select 4aycHnY, 1YPFe2i, gbQ4S2, Vdpn2dP, OX, Mutiv, d7Qt, fwDwN, ZH2tL1, UJWGA, pRdsyR and click Submit.
Select 7jRPftZ, 5WZHv, TvFgM, yZZUALj, nXH, EoPV, qtdjmII, Q0af and click Submit.
Select k9, Kh, zzq, key, bA2, gZf3, nhG97 and click Submit.
Select kQHh8j, SaIGD, wjy8, 4tF, oB, 2uMiJWr and click Submit.
Select nb, 8qiSp3m, pKybC69, v8Zs3, U6gHF and click Submit.
Utterance fields#
target 0
target 1
target 10
target 11
target 2
target 3
target 4
target 5
target 6
target 7
target 8
target 9
Additional notes#
Partial reward: The score is 1 for each correct checkbox and -1 for each incorrect one. The reward is the average score.