
UNIX Permissions


  • When a file is created, its permission is restricted by the umask of the process that created the file.
    • umask only strips permissions. For example, umask 0077 will strip all permissions for group and other, while umask 0022 makes stuff read-only by non-owner.
  • Unlike ACL, the permissions are not inherited from the parent directory.

Permissions (Modes) for Classes

Clases are user/owner (u), group (g), and other (o).

File Directory
Read (r) Read the file Read the names of the files (but not other metadata)
Write (w) Modify the file Create, delete, or rename files / directories
Execute (x) Execute the file Access the content and metadata of a file whose filename is known

Attribute Bits

These attributes do not belong to any class; they are properties of the file / directory.

File Directory
set user ID (setuid) (s/S) When executed, the resulting process gets effective user ID from the file's owner. This allows the person who executes the file to masquerade as someone else (e.g. root, which of course has security risk) -
set group ID (setgid) (s/S) When executed, the resulting process gets effective group ID from the file's group. Newly created files / directories will inherit the group from that directory (instead of the default = primary group of the effective user)
sticky (t/T) - Forbid people from renaming, moving, or deleting files that they do not own. (The directory's owner and superusers are exempt.)
  • s and t = executable. S and T = not executable.
  • To set setuid and setgid separately, use chmod with numeric code (setuid = 4000, setgid = 2000, sticky = 1000)

Symbolic Notation

drwxr-xr-x 26 root root 4096 Sep 22 09:29 /
  • First character: file type
    • d = directory
    • l = symlink
    • p = named pipe
    • s = socket
    • c = character device (stream only / no random access)
    • b = block device (allow random access)
  • Then we have uuugggooo where each class has rwx bits
  • Apart from x, the last character of each class can also be s, t, S, or T

AFS Permissions


  • AFS uses ACL (access control list), which assigns permission per directory and ignore UNIX permissions. (Exception: the UNIX execute bit is still used)
  • When a directory is created, it inherits the permissions from its parent directory.
Name Code Rights
read r See the contents of the files
list l List filenames + See permission of the directory
insert i Create files or directories in the directory
delete d Delete files or directories in the directory
write w Change the contents of the files
lock k Lock files (not that useful)
admin a Change permission of the directory (but not subdirectories)
read Shorthand for rl
write Shorthand for rlidwk
all Shorthand for rlidwka
none Shorthand for empty string


  • fs sa <directory> [<user|group> <permissions>]+
  • find <maindirectory> -type d -exec fs sa {} <user|group> <permissions> \;
Exported: 2021-01-02T22:35:50.488792